Joy Lima
Biodynamic Massage Therapist
You are most likely not coming to me only because the doctor told you so or you think there is something wrong and you need help.
You come to me because you are looking for someone that listen to what
you need without judgment and create a safe space for you to open up and be yourself.
Bioreale Massage
It is a powerful therapy method that promotes the free flow of life energy in the body, blood circulation and the production of endorphin (also called happiness hormone ) and oxytocin (cuddlinghormone).Releases tension giving space for spontaneity , vitality and gumption . For many people the self-regulating system doesn't work properly, and therefore, it is sometimes necessary to encourage it . This massage can very well be applied to anyone who is caught up by emotions, tension , stress, headaches, low self-esteem or depression.By allowing your body to release tension and body waste, it brings you back into motion and balance.